Namibia Country Information

Africa Map with Namibia Highlighted

What We Think You Should Know About a Safari in Namibia.

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Namibia’s capital of Windhoek, in the geographic center of the nation, is a city of less than half a million people and is the economic and cultural center of the country. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides and, due to its location near the Kalahari Desert, has fairly high temperatures and over 300 days of sun each year. 

If you’ve seen photos of Namibia, chances are you can picture the iconic, rusty-colored sand dunes of Sossusvlei, located inside the Namib-Naukluft Park. Whether climbing the world’s tallest dune or viewing the landscape from above in a hot air balloon or helicopter, this is an essential Namibian destination. 

For a more classic safari experience but with the unique Namibian setting, Etosha National Park provides the chance to see a variety of wildlife, many of which flock to natural water holes throughout the park. The Skeleton Coast on the Atlantic Ocean is where sand dunes meet the sea and provides an outlet for the most adventurous thrill seekers, with skydiving, paragliding, and other recreational activities available. For awe-inspiring views and the chance to feel like a very small part of a very big world, Fish River Canyon easily competes with the potentially more well-known geologic wonders of the world. 

Country Specific Information
  • Official Name: Republic of Namibia

    Population: 2.5 Million

    Area: 318,000 Square Miles

    National Animal: Gemsbok/Oryx

    National Bird: African Fish Eagle

    Best Known for: Sossusvlei & Skeleton Coast

  • Namibia's climate is characterized by a cooler dry season from May to October and a hotter wet season from November to April, but is also known for dramatically changing temperatures throughout even a single day.

  • Mixed. No Visa required from US, EU & UK Passports. Please checked Namibia Immigration for most up-to-date information.

  • COVID-19 Vaccine is required.

    Yellow Fever Vaccine is required, if traveling from another African country.

  • English is widely spoken in the tourism sector. (However, only about 3% of the population speaks it as a home language. Oshiwambo and Afrikaans are the most commonly understood and spoken languages.)

  • NAD: Namibian Dollar. You’ll need to exchange for Namibian Dollars before leaving the capital city of WIndhoek.

  • Plug types D (three round pins in a triangular pattern) and M (three round pins) operating on a 230V supply voltage.

Fun Fact

Namibia is home to Africa’s second largest desert after the Sahara.

Get an elevated perspective.

Namibia is off the beaten path as far as travel goes, but perspective changes everything. High above the NamibRand desert, views of Sossusvlei covered in low-lying mist gives way to a sunrise of dreams. An aerial helicopter safari across Namibia opens up a whole new experience for guests because the views of the desert and coastal dunes are like nowhere else on earth. This spectacular 5-day safari will take you from chasing oryx across the dunes of Sossusvlei to the shipwrecks of the infamous Skeleton Coast.

Sossusvlei, NamibRand Desert, Namibia